Colleen Quigley earned her BFA in Sculpture from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A., her MFA in Printmaking from Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music), in Tokyo, Japan, and attended the New York Academy of Art, N.Y, NY, U.S.A.
Quigley’s current work covers a broad range of media and includes painting, sculpture/installation, ceramics and encaustic. Her work has been exhibited in Italy, Japan, Singapore, the United States, and the U.A.E. Her current research and areas of interests include post modern strategies of artmaking in relation to themes of originality, materiality, popular culture, and the transcultural flow of objects and memory. Colleen currently resides in Tucson, Arizona in the United States.
1999-2001 New York Academy of Art, Graduate Studies in Figurative Painting, NY, NY, USA
1987-1989 Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, Tokyo Japan, MFA
1986-1987 Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan, Recipient of a Japanese Government Scholarship (Monbusho) to research Japanese woodblock.
1979-1983 University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA, USA, BFA Sculpture
2023 Mesa Art Museum, SRP Gallery, Upcoming solo exhibition
2022 Louis Carlos Bernal Gallery, A Tribute to Clay, Tucson, AZ, USA
2021 XVA Gallery, Dubai, UAE, Unmasked
2021 Yun Gee Park Gallery, Stage(s)(ing), Tucson, AZ, USA
2021 XVA Gallery, Dubai, UAE, A Summer Solstice, Dubai, UAE
2020 Yun Gee Park Gallery, Transparent Translucent Reflective Refractive, Tucson, AZ, USA
2020 Mesa Contemporary Art Museum 41st Annual Contemporary Crafts Exhibition, Mesa, AZ, USA
2020 Tohono Chul Gallery, On the Desert: The Discovery and Invention of Color, Tucson, AZ, USA
2019 Tohono Chul Gallery, 10 x 10, Tucson, AZ, USA
2019 Tohono Chul Gallery, Dia de Los Muertos, Tucson, AZ, USA
2019 Tohono Chul Gallery, Pollen Path, Tucson, AZ, USA
2018 XVA, Solo Exhibition, The Remarkable Resilience of Symbols, Dubai, UAE
2018 Al Fonoun Gallery, A Place to be, A Place to See, A Place to Spend the day, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
2017 Bennetton Art Project, Imago Mundi, Salo, Italy
2017 Sikka Art Fair, Here, There and Everywhere, Dubai, UAE
2016 ShowCACE, Al Fonoun Gallery, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE
2016 RCA Secret, Art Dubai and Al Serkal Avenue, Dubai, UAE
2015 XVA Gallery, Solo Exhibition, Searching for Optical Wonder, Dubai, UAE
2015 Zayed University Tower, Innovation Exhibition, Dubai, UAE
2015 Tashkeel, Sustaining Identity, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai, UAE
2015 Sikka Art Fair, Engaged Territories, Al Fahidi District, Dubai, UAE
2015 RCA Secret, Art Dubai, Dubai, UAE
2014 ISEA 2014, Nomadic Doll Exhibition, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE
2014 ISEA 2014, Tables of Curiosities, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE
2014 Cuadro Gallery, The Earth Electric, ISEA 2014, Dubai, UAE
2014 XVA Gallery, Solo Exhibition, Dubai, UAE
2014 XVA Gallery, Curiouser and Curiouser, Dubai, UAE
2013 Al Fonoun Gallery, Zayed University, Desert Pop, Abu Dhabi, UAE
2013 XVA Gallery, The Infusion of Impossible Things, Dubai, UAE
2012 FN Gallery, Crossing the Emirates, II, Dubai, UAE
2012 XVA, To the Moon, Sikka Art Fair, Dubai, UAE
2011 Jam Jar, Muqtanayati II - One Hundred Treasures, Dubai, UAE
2011 Jam Jar, INDEX 2011, Dubai, UAE
2011 Tashkeel, Made in Tashkeel, Dubai, UAE
2011 Zayed University Atrium - Crossing the Emirates, Dubai, UAE
2011 Tashkeel, As the Saying Goes, Dubai, UAE
2010 Jam Jar, Muqtanayati - One Hundred Treasures, Dubai, UAE
2010 XVA Summer Collection, Dubai, UAE
2010 Tashkeel, Portrait of a Generation, Dubai, UAE
2010 Bastakiya Art Fair, Nishan, Dubai, UAE
2010 Bastakiya Art Fair, Plush Doll curatorial project, Dubai, UAE
2009 XVA Summer Show, Dubai, UAE
2009 San Servolo Palazzina 11, Emerge - Ways of Worldmaking, Isola di
San Servolo, Venice, Italy
2009 Bastakiya Art Fair, Dubai, UAE
2009 Tashkeel, Silent Conversations, Dubai, UAE
2008 Jam Jar, In Situ, Dubai, UAE
2008 XVA Creek Art Fair, In the Mix, Dubai, UAE
2008 Jam Jar, Creek Art Fair, Constructing the Constructor, Dubai, UAE
2007 More, Subjects II, Solo Exhibition, Dubai, UAE
2007 Art Attack, Minus-Reality, Dubai, UAE
2007 Meem Gallery, Rtoosh, Dubai, UAE
2006 More, Subjects, Solo Exhibition, Dubai, UAE